
Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy (2004)

Oh my days, what a film! Haha! This is absolute, total trash, in the best possible way, and my first introduction to the world of J-sploitation (surely Japsploitation would be better?). As the title might suggest, the film focuses on a deadly carnivorous parasite that nests inside the vagina of its female human host. It also seems to be able to possess control of whoever it is currently inhabiting. It is never clarified whether or not the monster(s) can inhabit male hosts (that would be messy!); the film chooses to focus on chopping off all the dicks of its male cast instead, because y'know...because it can, I guess.

There is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a lot of nudity in this film. At point it verges on being softcore porn but it never properly crosses that line and remains firmly as a low-budget horror movie. There are plenty of gratuitous shots of tits covered in ooze, blood or both. The CGI FX are fucking abysmal, but the monster "puppet" is so bad that it's great, 80s style! The only "downside" is that it was basically impossible to find online (shhh) with English subs, so I watched with Spanish and filled in the gaps. The whole thing is also less than an hour long, for better or worse.

This is low, loooow budget. Consider yourself warned!

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